
Primary Care Network Training

We are really proud of our Primary Care Network training programmes which cover everything you and your team need to know about running, managing and leading your Primary Care Network.

DKJ offer a range of practical, affordable courses that cover essential topics like running your Primary Care Network as a business, leading your Primary Care Network and legal and financial advice, guidance and support from the experts.  

Our expert advice, training, and guidance are based on tried and tested real-world experience. No theory. No guesswork. Just solid support you can trust and a friendly lot to work with.

Trusted By

I found the CD Leadership Programme so far genuinely very useful and have already implemented some things into our PCN and the way I work and lead it!

Josh Meeks

GP Partner Firth Park Surgery, Foundry PCN Clinical Director

Find a PCN Training Programme for You

There’s so much to get your head around as a PCN manager. It can feel daunting even when you’ve been in the role a while.

  • Is my Network Agreement up to date?
  • How are we doing with our Capacity and Access Plan?
  • How do I fit in with practice managers, GP partners and the PCN Board?
  • Are the PCN ARRS roles working as effectively as they should?

This programme is designed to answer these questions and much more and is based on popular questions from other PCN managers plus our own experiences in the role.

This course covers:

  • I am a PCN manager: What do I need to know?
  • Managing my PCN finances delivered by Moore & Smalley Accountants.
  • Managing my Team – an introduction into HR and employment law delivered by Capsticks Solicitors.
  • PCNs and The World We Work In – including the digital world, the population health management world, the commercial world.
  • Developing your team and taking your PCN to the next level.
  • Peer support and Coaching.

The world of Primary Care Networks is always changing and there are so many competing worlds we need to think about.

  • Where are we as a PCN now and where do we want to be considering the external and internal environments?
  • What different areas do we need to focus on such as integration, digital transformation, population health management and how to become income generating.
  • How do I effectively lead my PCN?
  • How do I begin to think about leading integrated teams and what is my roles in this?
  • How do I set my PCN Vision and get buy in?

This course has been designed to answer these questions whilst exploring what type of leaders you and your team are and how to use those leadership skills as you navigate the new and uncertain world of primary care post April 2024.

This course covers:

  • Your PCN: Where are you today and where do you want to be.
  • PCNs and The World We Work In – including the digital world, the population health management world, the commercial world and the integrated world.
  • Leadership and You: What type of leader are you and who are you leading.
  • Effective Leadership: Communication, situational and resilient leadership and making ethical decisions at a large scale.
  • Leading Integrated Teams: Building partnerships and relationships, collaborative leadership, managing conflict and leading through change.
  • Planning for the Future: Setting the PCN Vision, getting the right people around the table and planning for your finances and workforce.

Whether you’re already in the role, considering becoming a primary care network clinical director or are part of your PCN Board, there’s so much to think about.

  • Does our PCN have the proper governance structures?
  • Are we meeting our Capacity and Access requirements?
  • How can I get member practices bought in?
  • Are we achieving our financial and workforce plans?
  • What are the tax implications of surplus income?

This programme is designed to answer these questions and much more and is based on popular questions from other clinical directors and PCN Board Members plus our own experiences in the role.


This course covers:


  • The nuts and bolts of being a PCN Board Member
  • Understanding the PCN as a business.
  • PCN and clinical director finances delivered by Moore & Smalley Accountants.
  • Getting to grips with the legal and HR side delivered by Capsticks Solicitors.
  • Developing your team and taking your PCN to the next level.
  • Peer support and coaching.

There’s so much to get your head around as a PCN manager. It can feel daunting even when you’ve been in the role a while.

  • Is my Network Agreement up to date?
  • How are we doing with our Capacity and Access Plan?
  • How do I fit in with practice managers, GP partners and the PCN Board?
  • Are the PCN ARRS roles working as effectively as they should?

This programme is designed to answer these questions and much more and is based on popular questions from other PCN managers plus our own experiences in the role.

This course covers:

  • I am a PCN manager: What do I need to know?
  • Managing my PCN finances delivered by Moore & Smalley Accountants.
  • Managing my Team – an introduction into HR and employment law delivered by Capsticks Solicitors.
  • PCNs and The World We Work In – including the digital world, the population health management world, the commercial world and the
  • Developing your team and taking your PCN to the next level.
  • Peer support and Coaching.

For many years, we have successfully delivered group education sessions within the NHS through GP Practices and Primary Care Networks.

This proven model of care involves one-to-one appointments within a group setting, led by a clinician—usually a GP—and supported by a facilitator, whether face-to-face or virtually.

The feedback from these group education sessions highlights numerous benefits:

  • Patients report feeling more empowered to cope and maintain their health, as they have improved access to and spend more time with their clinician.
  • Group education helps patients make decisions together and become more involved in their healthcare, which makes them more active and engaged during medical appointments.
  • Healthcare professionals enjoy delivering care in this format, as it enhances efficiency and allows for more meaningful interactions with patients.

Our Group Education/Consultation Training

Our innovative program will prepare you to deliver both Virtual Group Consultations and Face-to-Face Group Consultations for your patients and covers:

  • Group Education – what is it and what isn’t it?
  • Virtual versus face to face – which one is best to use?
  • Preparing for your Group Education Session.
  • Running your Group Education Session.
  • Case Studies.
  • Your Next Steps.

Need Help Choosing the Right PCN Training?