September 2024 Newsletter
Good morning
As we step into the autumn season, we are keeping busy as ever. We will be hosting a series of Masterclasses, including a CQC for Practice Nurses masterclass, CQC Assessments for Practices who have not had an Inspection in 5 years masterclass and Population Health Management and Health Inequalities masterclasses. If you would like any further information on these classes and to be put on the waiting list for them, then contact us at
We are running our free PCN Manager’s chat on the first Monday of the month, and our CQC in General Practice chat on the last Thursday of the month. You can book on to these via the Events Page on our website.
As always at DKJ, if you have any questions or want to chat about anything, please get in touch with us any time!
🔦 Masterclass Spotlight 🔦
The Future of PCNs
Thursday 19 September 13:00 – 14:30
There has been a lot of discussion about the future of PCNs, especially as the current DES is only for one year and we have also had a change in government. So what does the future of PCNs look like? Based on our experience of working with over 135 PCNs nationally, join us for our Masterclass where we will cover:
- The Digital World – what does digital transformation look like within PCNs now and in the future? A look at the DES requirements for digital transformation including CAP, MGPA and the role of the D&T lead.
- The Integrated World – is your PCN working in an integrated model? We will look at the different integrated working models emerging across the country focusing in on case studies of what these looks like.
- The Population Health Management World – understanding population health management, how it links to health inequalities and what should your PCN be doing to achieve the DES requirements.
- The Commercial World – PCNs are increasingly becoming income generating, is yours? A look at the different models of care and how this is creating income for PCNs across the country and how PCNs are becoming self-sustainable.
- Your PCN and the New World – some headspace to discuss what you think about the future of your PCN.
Understanding Health Inequalities
In the 2024/2025 PCN DES service requirements, the emphasis on Improving Health Outcomes and Reducing Health Inequalities highlights the significance of the CORE20PLUS5 approach. But what exactly is it?
Core20Plus5 is a national NHS approach aimed at tackling health inequalities at both national and system level. It targets specific population cohorts, including the most deprived 20% of the population, as well as inclusion health groups like ethnic minority communities, individuals with learning disabilities, coastal communities, young carers, and sex workers, among others. Additionally, it focuses on five key clinical areas that require accelerated improvement.
At DKJ, we’ve been actively involved in numerous projects aimed at reducing health inequalities nationwide.
We recently set up a Drop-In session for Ethnic Minority Women so that they could receive health and care information in a safe space as we recognised they weren’t engaging with healthcare services. We worked with community leaders and helped set up the Drop-In service which was initially ran by volunteers looking to develop their skills in order to obtain future employment, along with a schedule of services and interpreters to attend the Drop-Ins to provide healthcare advice, guidance and support including GP Practices, Sexual Health Services, Doula support, immigration advice and links to social prescribers and mental health practitioners.
Our efforts have resulted in over 30 women attending the Drop-In weekly, receiving essential healthcare support in the community where it’s needed most.
If you want to learn more about health inequalities and Core20Plus5, we will be running several Health Inequalities Masterclasses in the Autumn, where we will look at the core concepts focusing on health inclusion, areas of deprivation and the the 5 clinical priority areas, look in to how health inequalities works in General Practice and PCNS, discuss real-life case studies, and showcase how INTs are helping to reduce health inequalities.
Please contact us at to get your name on the waiting list!