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Trusted Partner NJAGP

Need someone to walk you through all the things you need to know to manage and lead your PCN but…

ARRS Workforce Planning

The NHS Long Term Plan makes personalised care business as usual across the health and care system. Personalised care means…

PCN Limited Company Checklist

Is your Primary Care Network thinking of becoming a limited company? We have been going through the incorporation process with…

Single Assessment Framework

Following months of consultation, CQC are now beginning to implement the new way in which they will be inspecting GP…

PCN Funding 2022/23

The Network Contract DES Guidance for 22/23 set out the funding arrangements for primary care networks for this financial year…

Top 5 Tips for Bid Writing

Top 5 tips for bid writing

For companies, tendering for new contracts can be very time-consuming. That is why many companies seek the help and guidance…

Dementia Services – Inclusive For All?

There are approximately 25,000 ethnic minority people – I don’t like the term BAME – with dementia and it is…

Bid Writing Tips: Case Studies and Scenarios

There has been a noticeable increase in commissioners requesting details of how bidders would respond to certain scenarios.  Although it…

CQC – Past, Present and Future

We know that CQC is changing so it may be a good time to reflect on what CQC looked like in…

Making the most of your ARRS yet?

In the February PCD Primary Care Network Manager’s Huddle, the discussion focused on making the most of the primary care…

FEO Ignition Programme

Do you know anyone who has started their own business?  It can be a lonely and daunting experience, so why…

Our PCN is a Limited Company – do we need to register with the CQC?

At the recent PCD webinar ‘Primary Care Networks – becoming a Limited Company’ it is quite clear that there is…

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